It is time to prepare and protect your property!

It may be vital to explore the possibilities of establishing perforated and layered ground-water filtration systems, rain gardens and flood marshes, to ward off flooding on private and commercial properties throughout the Hudson Valley Region.
By designing, constructing and installing smart irrigation systems and ‘rain gardens’, you can benefit your homes, businesses, and municipalities, while saving your properties and their values.
Red Cedar has earned a reputation as one of the most responsible and conscientious landscape companies in the Hudson Valley, prioritizing ecological balance with the beauty and functionality of our landscapes.
We hope to raise collective awareness that anyone, even if they manage or own the smallest lot, can work to prevent the destructive effects of increased rainfall, in places that were not designed to withstand sudden torrential rain, and the escalating severity of storm-surges along waterfronts and coastlines.
By excavating the land around your homes and public spaces, we can help prevent the repercussions of these ecological changes and equip your property with the ability to deal with the consistently destructive forces of Nature’s new reality.

The Department of Environmental Conservation, and numerous other public and private entities have already acknowledged these forces and their immediate and long-term effects on our Regions waterways, coastlines and properties. There is funding now available for those who are suffering the most blight from the increased power of storm surges and flash flooding.
In Mid-2021, landscape architecture students from Cornell University, presented to the City of Poughkeepsie plans for the purpose of redeveloping the most “at-risk” waterfront areas. These students are working in conjunction with a prospective redevelopment plan for the State of New York’s greater regional Climate Adaptive Program.
Red Cedar was present at the students’ first major presentation, which took place outdoors along the waterfront’s Children’s Museum Pavillion. This happens to be the site of a local farmers market and the future site of the Children’s Science and Learning Center extension. The very place we sat for this engagement was itself inundated by the effects of hurricane Ida. The collective damage, as published on its Wikipedia page, was $65.25 billion (2021 USD), the sixth-costliest tropical cyclone on record. This has now become a regular occurrence, no longer phenomena.

Where do we go from here? Only forward. It is what we do as humans. We are now charged to adapt with nature and not against it. We at Red Cedar have been in alignment with this “movement” since our founding and are prepared to help you adapt your properties to this new reality. We offer opportunities to re-develop and advance our collective environment and your local habitats.
We see this as an adventure to become better stewards of a planet which has continuously provided us with the great gift of living with it since our ‘beginning’.